How the Heck Do You Work With a Recruiter? 

A WIMDI webinar series hosted by Lindsey Schultz focuses on using recruiters’ expertise and connections to help you build your career.

As you move up the ladder, it’s important to be able to engage with recruiters during your job searches. But the process and norms of working with recruiters often feels like a big mystery:

Where do you find them? How can you tell if they have access to the really good jobs? Do they work for you or the company? Can you trust the advice they give you? How do you make it so they call you first when they find out about a cool opportunity?

If you’ve been wishing you had a friendly insider you could pepper with questions until you knew exactly how to engage with recruiters so you can get access to the top-secret hidden job market for high-level roles, then you’re in the right place.


0:00 How The Heck Do You Work With a Recruiter

1:17 Sometimes Recruiters Suck: Transactional vs Relationship Building

3:50 The Big 4 Questions You Need to Ask Yourself Before Reaching Out to a Recruiter

4:05 Question #1 – What Excites You About Your Work? (with Prompts!)

6:00 Question #2 – What Are Your Key Skills & Strengths? (with Prompts!)

7:52 Question #3 – What Areas Do You Want to Grow In? (with Prompts!)

9:41 Question #4 – What Are Your Career Goals? (with Prompts!)

10:55 How the Big 4 Questions Help Recruiters to Help You

14:17 Meet Maria – A Case Study On How the Big 4 Questions Help

17:25 The 4 Step Process for Working with a Recruiter

18:10 Step #1 – Connect (How to Meet Recruiters)

21:51 Step #2 – Discuss (Meet a Recruiter & What To Expect To be Discussed)

23:08 Step #3 – Interview (Meeting Prospective Employers & What to Prepare)

25:23 Step #4 – Maintain (Keep Building Your Relationship With Your Recruiter)

26:51 Meet Sanaa – A Case Study On Why It’s Important to Build & Maintain a Relationship

29:24 How Recruiters Can Help You in Other Ways (with Examples!)

31:53 Meet Emily – A Case Study On Using Recruiters for Salary Negotiation

33:44 Green Flags – What You Should Look for In A Good Recruiter (with Examples!)

37:15 Red Flags – What You Should Watch Out For (with Examples!)

39:40 Vetting Questions to Help You Find a Good Recruiter (with Examples!) 

Are you a job seeker looking for your next opportunity or an organization looking to hire your next team member? If you have time for a quick chat about your goals MRC can help connect with us.

Women in Male-Dominated Industries (WIMDI) is a global network of thousands of professional women and other gender minorities working in male-dominated industries. We host webinars and events where we learn skills that improve our leadership and careers while expanding our networks and making new connections. WIMDI was founded by Holly Burton, a former mining engineer and Leadership Coach for Women in Male-Dominated Industries.

WIMDI’s Webinar series hosts engaging speakers each month to give interactive talks on topics that help women kill it at work. Check out our upcoming events and join us LIVE: