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The Recruitment Challenges 

Thanks to a revealing LinkedIn poll we recently led; we identified three core recruitment challenges that need a deeper dive to understand the complexities of the mining industry’s recruitment landscape.  

Surprisingly, in our poll:  

  • “Candidate Sourcing & Screening” was identified as a primary concern by 73% of participants  
  • “Salary Negotiation/Offer Management” and “Employee Onboarding Assistance” were next up 
  •  “Interview Coordination/Support” had no votes 

That last bullet is notable, considering interview coordination and support are frequent challenges our clients mention to us.  

We often hear candidates decline job offers because of bad experiences they’ve had during the interviewing process. 

Despite being overshadowed in our poll results, interview coordination and support are essential yet often unrecognized elements in recruitment by hiring companies.  

So, we thought we’d begin this series addressing interview coordination, the first step.  

It involves much more than just scheduling; it’s about creating a respectful and efficient process that enhances a candidate’s perception of the company, playing a crucial role in securing top talent. 

This is the candidate’s first peek into your company’s culture. How do you want to be seen? 

The Interview Coordination Challenges   

  • Complex Scheduling: The Mining industry is global. Thus, tackling the challenges of aligning suitable times for all parties, often across different time zones, locations, and schedules, is an important consideration. 
  • Unique Candidate Profiles: Recognizing and adapting to each candidate’s skills, experiences, and expectations is a strategic imperative in a good recruitment process. 
  • Communication Gaps: Focus on bridging communication gaps, ensuring clarity and consistency, especially for remote or international candidates. 

How to Fix Your Interview Coordination Process 

  1. Leverage Technology: Utilizing modern scheduling tools/calendars simplifies the complexities of arranging interviews and managing different time zones and availabilities. 
  2. Create Clear Communication: Developing a comprehensive communication protocol keeps candidates informed and engaged. 
  3. Implement a Feedback Mechanism: Implementing a system to gather and analyze feedback from candidates post-interview is critical to refining the interview process.

 Conducting Stellar Interviews: Tips for Success 

  1. Ensure Thorough Preparation: Your interviewers/hiring team should be well-prepared and understand the technical requirements and personal attributes of each candidate and each role before entering an interview. 
  2. Develop a Structured Interview Format: A consistent interview format caters to the unique demands of roles within the mining industry, helps your team prepare for interviews, and provides them with the tools to conduct effective and efficient discussions. 
  3. Provide a Cultural Fit Assessment: Focus on how well candidates align with your organization’s values and work culture. 
  4. Embracing the Two-Way Street Philosophy: Recognize that interviews are opportunities for candidates to assess the company’s fit for their career goals and for your team to evaluate the candidate’s fit. 

Your success is at the forefront of our mission at MRC Recruiting. We believe in fostering relationships that empower employers and professionals to reach their fullest potential.  

With a focus on smooth transitions from initial interviews to successful onboarding, we support your journey every step of the way.  

The key to this partnership is a seamless recruitment process tailored to the unique demands of the mining sector. As we continuously refine our strategies and maintain current salary benchmarks, we ensure that our approach remains at the cutting edge of market trends. 

Read Part 2 and Part 3

Are you a job seeker looking for your next opportunity or an organization looking to hire your next team member, MRC can help connect with us.