I’ve always thought that one of the most exciting things for an employee is the day before their first day on the job. The new hire carefully chooses their clothing for the following day, double-checks their alarm clock, and psyches themselves up for what lies ahead. It’s exciting and that nervous energy can fuel a new hire for months.

MRC has spent decades building relationships among employers and the talent they want. We’ve built our livelihood and our reputation on the cornerstone of partnership. We do it by emphasizing our talent acquisition strategy, digging deeply, and perhaps enjoying a tiny bit of serendipity.

So is it an art or a science to marry up a company’s demands with an employee’s skills and personality? I contend it’s a little bit of both.

At MRC we work with human resources departments across the globe to carefully analyze their business and examine what their companies really desire from their workforce.

We also develop long-term relationships with individuals in the resource sector to know the person behind the resume.

Company mission, culture, sustainability and Employee Value Propositions all factor into whether a person is destined to be a good fit with a certain company. Finding that perfect match takes determination, skill and background knowledge of talent and company. My dad and I have sparred about whether it’s more art or craft. Here are our arguments.


MRC has a proven success method. We meet with your company leadership and human resources teams and, like a potential employee does, scour the company’s website branding and understand the company’s reputation. MRC does the legwork. We work proactively to scout your future needs. That’s the craft part. No one can be a successful talent acquisitionist without putting in the time and effort.


It’s about history in the industry. It’s about the long-term relationships we’ve developed in and out of mining. It’s about knowing if your personality, education level, or expertise will best fill the need a company may have. It’s about knowing a job seeker’s strengths and helping them find a company to capitalize on it.

At MRC we weave together both of those to find your company, or you the job seeker, a position tailor-made for your experience, dreams, and desires. It’s probably best described as an artful science.

According to Accenture, the skillsets in the mining industry are rapidly changing, and your company’s talent acquisition strategy must evolve to keep up. It also means we must engage with young professionals, those still in college, to change traditional mindsets about the resource industry. MRC does that on a regular basis.

Company HR departments have a lot on their plates and combining efforts with a talent acquisition company keeps you ahead of the curve.

In today’s market, it seems employees hold many of the cards and that’s why talent acquisition is so necessary. Companies can’t be left in a reactive mode, relying on hopeful recruiting alone to find their next employees. They’ll miss the boat.

While I don’t want to give away all our secrets, MRC firmly believes that our fraternal affiliation among mining companies and resource employees is the leg up that both need to make a quality hiring decision.

If you’re looking to make a career change, MRC can help connect with us or submit your resume.